.:BiSIKaN SeoRaNG WaNiTA:.

...world is just a dust if Quran is in our chest...

..:I Love You:..

*5 December 2011*
Such a wonderful day.
And, exactly 29 years ago,
A red letter day happened.
I believe, it was the most romantic event ever!
And it was, subhanallah!
Let the picture speaks :)

29th anniversary at Mahkota Parade, Malacca
~sayang sampai syurga, insyaAllah ~

Mak, Abah, this post is specially dedicated to u.
No words to describe how much i treasure your love, your kindness, your patience,
And all your efforts you have done to raise me up.
May Allah redha both of you.
Looking at this pic, always makes my heart grows fonder,
Sometimes i even get jealous, aha!
And of course with your sincere love, here i am :)
Being so grateful to be your princess :)

Mak, Abah, i know i can't repay all your kindness,
But in my every single doa, i do pray for both of u.
And every single thing i do, i do it for you,
Cause i know, redha Allah depends on your redha.
And that's the main purpose i live, to seek the redha of Allah.
May i become a good daughter till my last breath.

"Oh Allah, have mercy on both of them (my parents) as they have brought me up (with love) from childhood".
(still remember my brother's advice: dik, bukan lepas solat je kita baca doa ni, tapi seeloknya setiap kali lepas azan, baca la, doakan mak, abah kita!)

Love them,
Respect them,
Pray for them,
NEVER hurt them,
As they are your mom and dad.

"Dan Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan agar kamu jangan menyembah selain Dia dan hendaklah berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Jika salah seorang di antara keduanya atau kedua- duanya sampai berusia lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah engkau mengatakan kepada keduanya walau perkataan "ah" sekalipun dan janganlah engkau membentak keduanya, dan ucapkanlah kepada keduanya perkataan yang baik".
{Al- Isra':23}

Hmm, see?
Allah asks us to obey our parents, rite?
Now, let us think back,
How many "ah", "alaa", "hishh", "argghh" that we have voice out towards them?
Astaghfirullah, we seek for Your Forgiveness Ya Allah..

We don't even know how much time left for Allah lend us our parents,
Thus, love your parents while you still have the chance to kiss and hug them,
Show them your love before it is too late.

p/s: i love u, mom, dad!


aWaNiS cLoUdY February 5, 2012 at 11:49 PM  

Salam adibah...huhu.. dibah tulis sendiri ke kisah ni? sungguh menginsafkan.. hati ni selalu lemah pada nafsu.. tak tau mcm mana nak kuatkan iman lwan nafsu.. Mugkin hati ni dah terlalu banyak titik hitamnya... huhu

.:My Everything:.

.:My Everything:.

..:coReTAn diRi:..

Pengembara di bumi Tuhan yang mencari hikmah dalam setiap ketentuan. Menulis dari hati menemukan penulis dengan ketenangan.

..:dROp By:..
